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Elizabeth Stokes and Cody Ray

Pineville, LA | 03/24/2024 | Registry Number: 133540567

Gift Cards

Dillard's Gift Card Image
Dillard's Gift Card DMS: 0968 002 GIFTCARD
- +

Not Available for Internet Purchase

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

BAKEWARE 12C MUF PAN $22.00 color: BRONZE size: ALL DMS: 0724 002 BAK12CMUFN SKU: 0301369
Wants 1 Remaining 1

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

BAKEWARE 8IN CAKE PA $12.50 color: BRONZE size: ALL DMS: 0724 002 BAK8INCAKE SKU: 0301372
Wants 1 Remaining 1

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

BAKEWARE 9IN CAKE PA $14.00 color: BRONZE size: ALL DMS: 0724 002 BAK9INBAKE SKU: 0301370
Wants 1 Remaining 1

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

LG RECT BKR 9X13 $22.00 color: TOFFEE size: ALL DMS: 0724 002 S22LGRECTBKR SKU: 3388047
Wants 1 Remaining 1

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

6IN RND CAKE PAN $0.99 color: TOFFEE size: ALL DMS: 0724 002 S226INCAKPAN SKU: 3388051
Wants 1 Remaining 1

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

10PC STRG $0.01 color: NO COLOR size: ALL DMS: 0724 140 1091198 SKU: 7234379
Wants 1 Remaining 1

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

EXPERT BOWL $28.00 color: CLEAR size: ALL DMS: 0724 355 ST185BNDIL SKU: 9000017
Wants 1 Remaining 1

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

OLIV WOD SLOTD SPN $14.00 color: NATURAL size: ALL DMS: 0727 459 S22726B1 SKU: 3701534
Wants 1 Remaining 1

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

OLIV WOD PASTA FORK $14.00 color: NATURAL size: ALL DMS: 0727 459 S22726B2 SKU: 3701510
Wants 1 Remaining 1

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

OLIV WOD TURNER $20.00 color: NATURAL size: ALL DMS: 0727 459 S22726B6 SKU: 3701516
Wants 1 Remaining 1

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

OLIVE WOOD WHISK $12.00 color: NATURAL size: ALL DMS: 0727 459 S22727B SKU: 3701506
Wants 1 Remaining 1

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

GG|12" TONGS NYL TIP $7.49 color: SS size: ALL DMS: 0727 492 1054628 SKU: 3012276
Wants 1 Remaining 1

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

UTENSIL CROCK $22.00 color: WHITE size: ALL DMS: 0727 501 ALEXCROCK SKU: 4373141
Wants 1 Remaining 1

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

SPOON REST $10.00 color: WHITE size: ALL DMS: 0727 501 ALEXSPREST SKU: 4373145
Wants 1 Remaining 1

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

50IN MAGNOLIA SPRAY $9.50 color: WHITE FLORAL size: ALL DMS: 0741 399 L-S2STM211 SKU: 3464677
Wants 3 Remaining 3

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

17IN TULIP BUN $6.65 color: MULTI size: ALL DMS: 0741 399 L-S3STM207 SKU: 7007721
Wants 5 Remaining 5