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Kristina Holdorf and Cole Starling

Savannah, GA | 12/16/2023 | Registry Number: 131983595

Gift Cards

Dillard's Gift Card Image
Dillard's Gift Card DMS: 0968 002 GIFTCARD
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Not Available for Internet Purchase

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

6QT AIR FRYER $129.99 color: 6 qt. size: Black DMS: 0725 193 37001 SKU: 3716626
1 Requested 1 Remaining

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

WHT DENIM $98.00 color: ALL size: Denim DMS: 0770 027 16645 SKU: 3414243
1 Requested 1 Remaining

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

LUM GEO 30 SPN $143.99 color: 30" Spinner size: Purple DMS: 0752 028 LMG-30-PURPL SKU: 2919312
1 Requested 1 Remaining