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Taylor Conner and Luke Langford

Centerville, TX | 02/25/2024 | Registry Number: 133649673

Gift Cards

Dillard's Gift Card Image
Dillard's Gift Card DMS: 0968 002 GIFTCARD
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Not Available for Internet Purchase

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

GRN MUG $7.00 color: Green size: MUG 1 DMS: 0712 343 ST712002CG SKU: 1125867
Wants 4 Remaining 4

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

GRN PASTA BOWL $8.40 color: Green size: ALL DMS: 0712 343 ST712002DG SKU: 1125854
Wants 4 Remaining 4

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

CW MUG $7.00 color: White size: MUG 1 DMS: 0712 343 ST712005 SKU: 1179710
Wants 4 Remaining 4

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

NAT FRG NAP $12.00 color: NATURAL size: NAP DMS: 0719 219 Y24SL01NN SKU: 9177445
Wants 2 Remaining 2

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

NAT FRG PM $14.00 color: NATURAL size: MAT DMS: 0719 219 Y24SL02PN SKU: 9177447
Wants 3 Remaining 3

This item is not available for internet purchase.

Please call customer service at
1-800-345-5273 to order or visit your nearest store.

MR MRS FRAME 8X10 $33.60 color: White/Wood size: 8x10 DMS: 0715 124 4695268 SKU: 4445878
Wants 1 Remaining 1